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Beach City Wastewater

Beach City Wastewater Treatment Improvements, Beach City, Ohio

Beach City Wastewater Treatment Improvements, Beach City, Ohio

Engineering Associates, Inc. provided services including the design, construction administration and construction observation for an expansion and reconstruction project that increased plant capacity to 0.3 mgd. Improvements consisted of a new influent structure with raw sewage pumps, a new preliminary treatment building with rotary screens, two new oxidation ditches with center clarifiers, a new tertiary filter and U.V. disinfection building, reconstruction of the aerobic digester into two units and converting two aeration tanks into flow equalization tanks. Funding for this project included USDA Rural Development. The construction cost was $3,050,000.

Engineering Associates is a full-service civil engineering firm providing infrastructure and transportation design services throughout Ohio. Since 1957 we have delivered cost effective, reliable engineering solutions on projects across a broad spectrum including highways, bridges, water system, wastewater, storm sewer and recreational.